Pre-Black Friday Deals for Web Designers in 2020
Our Top 3 Deals for November 2020:
We are almost there. We are getting close to Black Friday. And at this time of the year is when I stock up on all the web design goodies. Tools like WordPress plugins and business software.
I run a web design studio where we build and manage many websites and work with several clients per year. Plugins and software licenses can add up and get pretty expensive. A few years ago, I was spending over $5,000 a year just on software and plugins. Once I saw that in our annual PNL report, I knew that was an expense I had to minimize.
Now, I look for the better deals where I can save and still get the tools I need to drive my business. And this time of the year is when everything is at its best price for our industry.
Top 3 Deals in November 2020
I want to share 3 of the best deals out now that I personally got and am super happy with.
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1. Fluent CRM
Imagine having your own MailChimp platform built into your WordPress website. That pretty much sums up Fluent CRM. It is an email marketing platform that’s made for WordPress.
It also integrates with Elementor Forms as well as just about all contact form plugins. Just like MailChimp, you create email lists and manage lists with tags. And this is all done from your WordPress dashboard. When it’s time for you to launch an email campaign, you can do it all from your website’s back office. You design and build the email with a similar UI to Gutenberg, schedule your email campaigns, launch your emails to your subscribers, and keep track of your Analytics.
Email platforms like MailChimp start off free, but as soon as you get more than 500 subscribers or want to build more lists, then they start to get expensive. With Fluent CRM, there are no monthly bills, and you can purchase lifetime deals.
Right now, all Fluent CRM deals are 40% Off!!! Follow this link to learn more.
Fluent CRM Review
Fluent CRM Pros
- Massive long-term savings for those building email lists.
- Easy to manage.
- Easy to design and build emails.
- Built with Vue.js and has no impact on website performance.
- Safer for your subscribers as you keep all the data in your website’s database. Nothing is being shared with 3rd party email platforms. Better for GDPR compliance.
Fluent CRM Cons
- Could have better analytics to show new subscribers.
- You may need to set up an SMTP.
Bottom line: Fluent CRM is still in its early days, but with Fluent Forms’ success, it’s a safe bet that this is a good beginning for what will be a great marketing tool.
Learn more about Fluent CRM here.
Mighty Addons
Mighty Addons made my top 3 because it’s a new Elementor addon plugin that I’m excited about and shows lots of promise. Also, it is currently 50% off for all deals! This is the perfect time to pick up the lifetime deal. With Elementor, you don’t need many addons, and if you can grab a lifetime deal of one or two addons, you are good to go and will save in the long run.
You will notice with Mighty Addons that they didn’t make a plugin with over 100 widgets and features. Instead, they started with a moderate number of widgets and features and made those really good. The code is good quality, and the UI and options are well thought out. They also have some features like multiple box shadows that are unique.
Right now, Mighty Addons is 50% off on all deals and is the perfect time to pick up a lifetime deal. Here is the link to learn more.
Mighty Addons Review
Mighty Addons Pros:
- Good code quality.
- Well thought out widget options and UI.
- The support and developers are very active.
- Unique features.
- Great price for the Lifetime Deal.
Might Addons Cons:
- Since it is still new, there is a limited amount of uniques widgets.
- No examples of widgets on their website yet.
Bottom line: Mighty Addons is new and off to a great start. Instead of building a ridiculous number of widgets at first, they put together a package of high-quality widgets and features. This is just the beginning. I have been in contact with their founder and know many new and exciting features are being added. Grabbing the lifetime deal right now will be a solid investment.
Learn more about Mighty Addons here.
ShortPixel AppSumo Deal
ShortPixel is an oldie but goodie when it comes to image optimizations. It’s a reliable plugin that’s been around before I even started using WordPress and has an upstanding reputation.
Image optimization plugins can get a bit pricy. All of the good ones come with either an annual license or pay as you go license that depends on how many images you optimize.
This is only for a very limited time. ShortPixel has a lifetime deal on AppSumo for just $49. It’s a crazy deal and one that shouldn’t be passed up. I personally got this deal around 2 years ago and since then have used ShortPixel on easily over 100+ websites for clients and never had to pay anything. I saved a lot of money and wanted to share this because I know it can help others also save.
Black Friday for Web Designers 2020
This is the best time of the year to pick up deals on plugins and software, and I will be keeping my eye out. As I find deals, I will share them with you. To get informed right away, subscribe to our newsletter and subscribe to my YouTube channel to get content for web designers and Elementor enthusiasts. Thanks!!!